The Rose Sangha One Saturday of Each Month at 10:00 am Pacific (and recorded for later streaming) Monthly online gatherings on the mystical and contemplative traditions through Art, Music, Poetry and History Register for individual events on a sliding scale, or enroll in Patreon membership for $33.00 per month here to receive links to participate in live broadcasts, receive a link to download programs and have library access to past events.
For each month in 2025, we will be celebrating inspiring female saints, artists, poets and/or composers whose lives and works call out for greater recognition and honor.
2024 Calendar
January 13: Recovering the Lost Feminine
February 10: In the Footsteps of the Miryams with guest scholar Lizzie Berne DeGear
March 9: Nurturing the Artist Within Gail Saunders and members of the Mythica Beehive community with their Soul Books and poetry
April 13: Artist and Interfaith Minister Fay Barratt: Recovering the Women of Easter
May 11: Mothers of Mercy Author Mark Burrows presents the life and work of poet Hilde Domin
June 8: TBA
July 13: TBA
August 10: TBA
December 14: Rilke's Rose: Lou Andreas Salome
2023 Archived Programs
October: From Strangers to Pilgrims to Friends In this time of international conflict, we focus on the theme of beauty and nature as a bridge between cultures. This month's community gathering honors the launch of Strangers and Pilgrims, interfaith chaplain Fred LaMotte's latest volume of poetry (dedicated to Mary Magdalene). Iconographer Sue Ellen Parkinson unveils her latest painting creation, Catherine Braslavksy offers chants for world peace composed across the centuries in Hebrew, Arabic and Latin, and we conclude with ideas for creating your own pathways of peace" in nature art.
February: The Evolution of LoveHeloise, Abelard and Mary Magdalene Parisian singer Catherine Braslavsky and Yale Divinity School Professor John Hare join Kayleen Asbo for an exploration through story, song, art and letters of how two 12th century lovers set the imagination of the world on fire with their romance-- and how they triumphed over tragedy by turning to Mary Magdalene for inspiration, strength and courage
March: The Heroine's Quest with Cinema and Psyche faculty Terry Ebinger; Paintings by Rose Wognum Frances
April: The Passion of Mary Magdalene
May: Pilgrimage
January 2023: Dreams of the Cosmos Artist Johanna Baruch unveils her newest painting of the cosmos and talks about her recent installation at the Women's Dreamquest at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco; Our featured "Voice of Wisdom" is renowned Jungian analyst and author Anne Baring who will reflect on her quest over her 91 year old life to recover the Sacred Feminine in mythology, history and psychology.
Past Programs Available to Stream as a Patreon Member February 12: The Art of Loving An exploration of the Gnostic bishop Valentinus (reputed author of several of the works discovered at Nag Hammadi) whose teachings honored the role of women and who emphasize a mytho-poetic path of awakening that influenced the tradition of Courtly Love in France and Italy.
March 12: Magdalenes Today: Courage and Compassion Across the World For Women's History Month, photojournalist Paola Gianturco shares heart opening stories of women around the globe who are bringing courage and compassion into leadership that is changing the world. Paola is the author of six celebrated books including Women Who Light the Dark, Grandmother Power, and with her granddaughter, Wonder Girls.
April 12: Seeds of New Life Mythica's faculty and Rose Sangha members share the fruits of their creative explorations in art, music and poetry from our Lenten journeys. May 14: Margery Kempe Described as one of the world's first great feminists, Margery Kempe was Medieval brewer who had borne 14 children before she began experiencing mystical visions. which led her to "follow in the path of Mary Magdalene".Turning her back on all social conventions, she wandered the world as a pilgrim, journeying to the Holy Land and consulting Julian of Norwich about the intensity of her spiritual life. Her autobiography --the first in the English language--has been hailed as "one of the most astonishing documents ever written" .
Past Programs Access to the video archive of past and present Rose Sanghas is available for a monthly subscription of $33.00 through Patreon.
January 8: The Tree of Life Iconographer Tatiana Nikolova-Houston Storyteller and arts therapist Polly Paton Brown on the Wisdom of Trees Kayleen Asbo on The Tree of Life in cross cultural mythology from Inanna and Yggdrassil to the Buddha
Black Madonnas: December 11, 2021 Black Madonna scholar and interfaith leader Ella Rozett joins us from Europe to share the story of Our Lady of Loretto in Italy and artist and pilgrimage leader Emily Grieves teach about Our Lady of Guadalupe from Mexico and Catherine Braslavksy serenades us from Paris with Medieval Pilgrim songs for the Black Madonna in this international celebration of the sacred feminine..
Love Letter to God: Saturday, November 13, 2021 We follow the thread of Mary Magdalene to focus on three Medieval mystics: Mechtilde of Magdeburg, Hadewijch of Antwerp and Marguerite Poorete. Join Kayleen Asbo and Polly Paton Brown in a celebration of the poetic writing of these Beguines whose passionate lives were infused with longing for sacrd union, and whose images of Paradise are believed to have influenced Dante's Divine Comedy.
October 9: St Francis, Mary Magdalene and the Healing Power of Nature Kayleen Asbo on the deep connection between St Francis and Mary Magdalene; Polly Paton Brown on equine therapy; Harmony Harrison on poetry; the musical group of Notan Video recording available for purchase here
September 11: The Art of Lamentation Kayleen Asbo on rites and rituals of lamentation and the historic art of La Madeleine; Catherine Braslavksy on the healing power of music
May 8 The Feast Day of Julian of Norwich Kayleen Asbo on Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love; Robin O'Brien, music and Guest Scholar Lucy Reiger on the Magdala Center in the Holy Land
June 12 at 10:30 am PT Healing as a Journey of Justice and Mercy: The Arts as Social Transformation Kayleen Asbo on Harriet Beecher Stowe's quest to abolish slavery through the power of a novel; Artist Sue Ellen Parkinson on art as a bridge of racial healing Musician and Arts Activist Benjamin Mertz and Amazing Grace
July 10, 10:30 am - Noon PT From Trauma to Triumph: Art as Alchemy A Birthday Salon for Artemisia Gentileschi
August 14: Sophia Pistis Sophia with guest presenters Dan Craig-Morse and Elizabeth Kelley Icons of Sophia
September 11: The Art of Lamentation The Prehistoric Art of La Madeleine Composer and singer Catherine Braslavksy