Journey One: From Jerusalem and Alexandria to Provence January 1, 2, 3, 2021 11:00 am-1:00 pm PST, with optional discussion to follow The Gospel of Mary, Mary Magdalene andThe Path of the Rose, La Baume, the Valentinian Tradition of Seeking Our Full Flowering Song and Silence as a Pathway of Revelation and Awakening with David Cadman, Veronique Flayol, Catherine Braslavksy and Sue Ellen Parkinson
Journey Two: Ireland and Wales and The Thread of Original Blessing January 30-February 1 Original Blessing, Not Original Sin; Pelagius and Celtic Christianity Hermits and Pilgrims; Nature, Beauty and Friendship as Divine Revelation with Justin Coutts and Sue Ellen Parkinson
Journey Three: Fierce Compassion March 11-14, 2021 In the Footsteps of Mary Magdalene and Catherine of Sienna through France and Italy (through Santa Sabina Center)
Journey Four: The Holy Island of Iona March 20-22, 2021 for The Vernal Equinox in Book of Kells, Artmaking and Illuminated Manuscripts as Spiritual Practice With Guest Art Teacher Sue Ellen Parkinson
Journey Five: Holy Week With Mary Magdalene April 1- 3 Art, music and rituals for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday History and Rituals of Anointing with Veronique Flayol Chanting with Cathrine Braslavksy
Journey Six: Glastonbury and Avalon May 1-3, 2021 The Legends of King Arthur and Joseph of Arimathea; the Tor, Chalice Well, Glastonbury Abbey with Guest Artist Katherine Wittemann
Journey Seven:Black Madonnas and the Camino June 4-6, 2021 Montserrat, Barcelona, Burgos and Santiago Compostela with Shiloh Sophia McCloud, Catherine Braslavksy and MUSEA artists
July 23-26: The Feast Week of Mary Magdalene A celebration of story and the arts with an international panel of guest teachers and lecturers and an online museum of curated images